Watch the Spring final on Yle Areena

This spring, the Spring Idea Competition invited 15-19-year-old youths to develop ideas that improve the world, and thousands of young people responded the challenge. Now, out of hundreds of ideas, three winners have been chosen. The winning teams were published during the live broadcast on Yle Areena on 7.5.

In the 45 minute long broadcast, hosted by Lloyd Libiso and Eva-Li Teir, the audience got to know the six finalist teams and their ideas. The bilingual (Finnish/Swedish) broadcast is available until 6.6.2024.

Get to know the six Spring-finalists:

You can also watch the videos on Youtube.

Every vote counts in the selection of the winners. In addition to the pre-votes from young people influencing the selection of the winners, a public vote was held during the broadcast, where viewers got to vote for their favorite ideas. The young people’s pre-votes and public votes constituted 70 % of the counted votes, and the remaining 30% was determined by the Spring jury’s votes.