For teachers

Kolme naisoletettua ja kaksi miesoletettua työstävät ideaa paperille mustan pöydän ääressä

What is Spring?

Young people aged 15-19 can participate in Spring in teams of 3-5 persons. Apply to the idea competition with an idea that strengthens your belief in the future; the idea can aim to solve a major international problem, answer a local question, or create completely new opportunities. The prize for winning Spring is a summer job and an inspirational study visit to Lisbon, during which you develop your idea into something concrete.

Book a Spring-workshop for your group

During autumn, the Spring-team will visit schools all over Finland and host Spring-presentations and workshops for students and staff.

A Spring-presentation is a 15-minute introduction to ideation and the different stages of the Idea Competition. The presentation highlights the importance of ideation and inspires participants to identify problems and solutions in their daily environment. A Spring-presentation can be hosted for example to the whole school during a general meeting or educational staff only.

During a Spring-workshop, a group of 40-60 students learn to identify problems in their surrounding or opportunities related to global phenomena, and develop solutions to these. A one or two-hour long workshop works well as an individual learning experience or as a starting point to participation in the Spring Idea Competition.

A Spring-workshop requires a group of students, a set date and time, and a classroom or convenient space. We will take care of the planning, materials, and hosting the workshop. Online arrangements are possible. We will organize Spring idea workshops again in the autumn of 2025.

A team working on their idea at the Spring Idea Incubator.
A team working on their idea at the Spring Idea Incubator.

Spring is a unique opportunity to teach young people how to think innovatively, make a difference, and build a sustainable future.

Spring is an innovative approach to teaching: offer young people the opportunity to put what they learn into practice and develop creative solutions to the challenges and opportunities of the world. Spring is a practical approach to futures and entrepreneurship education.

Spring is about strengthening young people’s future skills and confidence about the future: help young people develop their ability to identify opportunities, creativity, critical thinking, teamwork and entrepreneurial mindset. At the same time, you will strengthen young people’s belief in the future.

You will be supported in your implementation: we will support you in supporting young people with a range of materials.

Spring is designed to be flexible and easy to integrate into your teaching. We provide ready-made materials to help you guide your young people through the brainstorming process. Inspire, encourage, challenge, and learn at the same time! Spring is an opportunity to address today’s hot topics through a creative, solution-oriented approach. Your role will be to guide the process, ask questions, and support young people’s self-confidence.

Below you will find materials to help you inspire your students to imagine a better future and take part in an idea competition. The materials have been developed in collaboration with teachers and students. You can also download a Spring video from Vimeo for your institution. The video can be freely shared on all your institution’s channels.

Watch the “This was Spring” video, in which the young people who took part in the competition talk about their experiences. The video is a great marketing video for young people. The video’s language is Finnish, but subtitles are available in English.